This depends on:
1. Your own personal abilities
2. The right gear
3. Running smart
4. Easy tips and tricks
1- If you know for a fact that when it dips down below 30 degrees your chest becomes inflamed when you run, then take that into consideration. If you have an injury that becomes tight/worse when outside in the cold during exercise, then take that into consideration. If you are coming up with excuses to not run in the cold, take that into consideration.
2- Shoes spikes, face masks, thermal tops/bottoms, fleece zip-ups, tech gloves and thin scarves that are breathable. All of these are some tools that are necessary when running in winter weather. Not every run will you need spikes or face masks, but if there is snow and ice covering more than half of the ground you will be running on then I say wear the spikes...and if the temps start dipping into the low teens/there is a cold wind, the face mask will help protect your skin. (Remember this is small enough you can always take it off, better to bring it than regret not having it 1/2 through your run).
3- Treadmills, dreadmills; however you refer to these machines, they do come in handy for winter running. (Intervals too for us soft centered runners). If it is TOO cold (aka your chest/breathing cannot keep up with your activity) or the ground is too slick to run on, then hop on the treadmill, turn on a podcast and pretend you're running through the Swiss Alps with the Von Trapp family. Be smart, be safe. I learned the hard way that running when it is too icy, without the right gear can very often result in an injury, a bad run, and taking unwanted days off from activity. Don't let your pride get in the way of your fitness :)
4- One little trick I have always done is drinking a mug of coffee before a run. It not only warms me up but it also helps to open up my air passages better [in the cold weather]. Another is my warm-up. I do 10 reps of jumping jacks, high knees, butt kicks, squats, and arm stretches before I head outside. My body is more prepared for the cold this way.
These may be things you have already read or heard from someone, but reminders aren't a bad thing right? If I start to write about these same things more than 3-4 times, then please say something then.
Good luck out running old man winter, and run hard, run smart!
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