I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else -C.S. Lewis

Friday, March 6, 2015

On the Menu

I am going to do something that has been done before.
But, not by me.


I am excited to start a new 'series' that encompasses two of my favorite things.

Oh, and fashion, I guess.
I got sidetracked.

I will be creating posts that pair a new recipe I have tried with an outfit specifically assembled to compliment the dish.

Now, I do plan on posting recipes that worked out for the better...but I cannot promise that I won't pass on my own personal {kitchen disaster} here and there. Laughing is healthy.

Stay tuned!

Here's a taste into what the first post will entail...

And, I used to think the 80s were fashion-less. 

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