I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else -C.S. Lewis

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Before Bed Time Blurb

Why is it that we feel the need to stress? Why max out our delicate systems that God designed so intricately? Whether it be school, work, family, life, sadness, or something even deeper- we promised Him that we would treasure what He has gifted us. Why not take advantage of our time right now in order to bring this joy to others? This, on many days, can seem easier said than done. Sure, some days are more than dandy and the sun seems to be shining brighter than ever, but there are times of fogginess, darkness, loneliness, fear, and confusion. I, myself have thought it to be impossible to break out of something seeming so horrible and long. I thank God, that even though it may not get better in a week, month, or years- with His help and those he places in my path I will bring my life to where it needs to be and keep moving. I was reading I Corinthians chapters 12-13, and it talks about our body being a whole piece made up of all necessary parts. If one part suffers, or for example is stressed to its limit, then the entire body will be stressed. This is when minds are lost and unknown actions and unwanted emotions may come to the surface. One day a week might be the only  "great" day defined by us, but is it not worth it to explore keeping all of these magnificent parts of ourselves healthy...God Bless and keep these thoughts in mind.


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