I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else -C.S. Lewis

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Willing to be a Runner

I have not ever been a runner- and I mean ever. It was not something super duper fun that I thought to do when I was bored nor was it something I was good at even when I tried-hard. I could run a mediocre mile and that was the extent of it. I played sports and elliptical'd it on a weekly basis but no, I did not get my feet sized for running shoes...until now.

I went through a couple of crazy- the good and icky kind- years and needed a release from the anxiety that I insisted my body feel. I was a gym-goer, and not a terrible one, but it got to not be enough for my extreme worry wartness. Once in a while I would run 1 or 1.5 miles on the track just to look cool like everyone else but stopped short by at least 20 minutes. Then, one shiny day, after so much time on other ellipticals and bikes I saw that all my 'normal' i.e. habitual machines were taken and you know what was left?- that pretty treadmill...so, without looking too scared I walked onto one and started to walk-then jog-then run a little. I ended up going just under 2 miles, which I thought was just fabulous. I remember running over to my FARP (FIERCE accountability rec partner) and telling her what I had just done and out of her sweetness attempted to be as excited as I was.

From that point on I kept increasing my goals and I haven't stopped since. Again, I am not a natural- sparkly- 7 minute mile runner, but heck, I'm trying :) I remember the first time I reached 3 miles, I texted just about everyone in my address book- the goofy ones responded with messages full of smiles and exclamation points. I stayed on the treadmill for a while until I got brave enough to venture outside- ew. No, I love being outside I just wasn't sure about running outside. When I did run outside I would make sure to be running when cars passed so that I looked legitimate- cheesy, but it did force me to run futher. I started off doing just a couple miles and mixing it with the treadmill still. Then, feeling fancy I began putting in sprints and tempo runs after reading blogs upon blogs teaching myself how to be a runner- silly huh. Then, one day came 4 miles- again with the texts, mostly to a few girlfriends and my husband. Granted, I have a friend who can run all day long and when I text her about my runs she still gets beside herself and tells me how pumped she is for me- God bless her :) To top it off, just a short while ago I hit my big goal (for now) of surpassing 5 miles! I came off the treadmill and had this big goober smile on my face that I don't know or really care if anyone else saw. It was a great day.

This is such a huge overview of my running and crazy journey thus far, but future posts will zero in on more specific topics- running stories (shew whee), recipes and food ventures, new and old goals, and things I am learning and want to share on the way. I understand that this blog now consits of fashion, history, ridiculous ideas, fitness yearnings, ect, and if that is too messy I apologize, but for now that is where I am at ;) Thanks for reading and see you soon! xoxo

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