I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else -C.S. Lewis

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Jumping Off a Very Tiny Cliff

Today I will not count calories. Today I will not count calories. Today I will not count calories.

I started counting calories quite a while ago (not much over a year, if that). But, I was pretty "strict" about it and staying under my limit that I had calculated. Looking back I know I was not eating enough. From that point I went into maintenance mode and upped my calories some and stayed the same weight. But, do you know how hard it is to break a habit? Really hard. Counting calories gave some control, and what I thought was peace of mind over my health. In reality it was screwing me up even more.

Over the past few months I have gotten somewhat more lax in my calculations, but mostly still keep a tally. What began as a method to teach myself what I am taking in turned into a unhealthy habit. Again, I am sure there are people who can count calories all their life and feel solid about it, I am just not there right now. I would like to enjoy my food without the calculator in my head buzzing. This does not mean I am going to gorge on whatever, but I began my day earlier than normal: 4:50 a.m. I don't now about you, but when I wake up I am hungry. So I ate my breakfast, got some reading and things done and by 9 a.m. I was really hungry again. Instead of strictly counting my calories I had a small breakfast, again, and fed my growling stomach. My mom always said if your body is hungry it is telling you something. This is a big difference from eating just to eat (which many of us do from time to time).

When I made my lunch today I tried to stop myself from loosely calculating my caloric intake for the day and just pack a healthy variety. Today's afternoon menu includes: Nature's Path Spinach Crackers, blueberries, about 100 calories worth of grapes (oops, calorie counting!), Kashi bar, half a cucumber and carrots mix together, and a weight watchers cheese stick. Also, tonight for dinner I will be making "healthier" chicken and veggie spicy garlic fried rice with maybe some egg rolls. And...big news, my favorite fro-yo place is opening for the season today so I know we will be stopping there, haha. Ice cream and cereal why can't you be healthier for me?

Anyways, today I am starting that tiny little leap off the cliff of counting daily calories and learning more about my body's needs. When I run more, am active, am lazy, it all needs to be taken into account- not everyday is the same and neither will my appetite. Enjoy your day, and your food!


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