I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else -C.S. Lewis

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Caramel Covered Oxymoron

So, I know you are not supposed to run so that you can eat more...but that is exactly what my motivation was yesterday. I ran a good 6 miles in the morning before I had to get ready for....APPLE PICKING! My family has been going since I was a little thing and we haven't stopped. This is also Jake's first year so I was super excited ecstatic.

I did my normal longer run route from our place to my parents and back with a loop downtown and in our neighborhood. I was able to wait a little to run, about 9:30 a.m. so the temp was comfortable (50s) and the colors of fall were a gorgeous distraction. I have been bringing my ipod less and less with the scenery changing and realizing how much I enjoy that time to think and pray. I believe my pace was a 9ish min/mile and I did make one pit stop. My nose runs terribly when I am outside during this time of year and I forgot to bring a tissue so I grabbed one from my parents. I shouted a hello to everyone and then kept on moving. I was way too excited about going to the orchard to waste any time.

Once I got home I was going to do a little core work via pilates, but the mechanic stopped by who was going to look at our furnace. Turns out it is 30+ years old and needs to be replaced. It was emitting harmful levels of carbon dioxide so we haven't had any heat...and we still don't. It just gets pretty chilly at night, so I have been going to bed wearing Jake's sweatpants, long sleeve shirts, and hooded zip up's. I look like a snowman. Anyways, I skipped the pilates and after talking with him about the furnace situation, kept getting ready and made some pumpkin oatmeal for lunch. Once Jake got home we rushed over to my parents with Monroe (puppy) and headed out.

The drive is supposed to be 30ish minutes, but with my whole family in tow it was about 45 :) They are crazy, period, and that is why I like being around them so much. It was pretty chilly, but it just added to the whole autumn atmosphere. We went straight out into the orchard to start picking. The trees are awesome, the branches dip down like arms and the apples, against the grey sky were like candy hanging there. Us kids...and my dad climbed the trees to get the best looking apples. Jake was feeling like a monkey I think, he did not want to get down even when we had filled our bag. Another tradition that takes place in our family is apple throwing. We do NOT waste apples, don't worry. We only pick up the rotten ones on the ground and very strategically have apple throwing wars...and of course no one outside of our family is harmed. It has been happening ever since we started going to the orchard, and yes, my parents started it.

After we picked all the apples we could, we went back to the main area and waited in line for 45 minutes to get some of their infamous apple fritters. I am not a huge fan of apple desserts, but these monsters are amazing! Since we waited so long we figured we should get at least a half dozen of those and a half dozen of their iced pumpkin doughnuts. My mom, brother, and I also got their giant caramel apples (I ate some of mine on the way home since I was holding the box and got told I was cheating). We grabbed some apple cider too, of course. 

So, see...I went ahead and plugged in my running to go towards the bread, beef stew, 2 dougnuts, and jumbo caramel apple I ate yesterday. Okay, I know it doesn't work that way, but I had a great day, ate a lot of delicious food, didn't use caution, and I loved it. Restriction and good behavior have their places, but sometimes you just need to get a little crazy. We ended the night watching 2 old scary movies: Nightmare Castle and Night of the Living Dead (we watched another one of my favorites, House on Haunted Hill, the other night). I also baked some iced pumpkin cookies for a scary movie/pumpkin fro-yo night with some friends tonight. So yes, this weekend is full of indulgence and I have already accepted it. I am not sure if I will run today, but a definite good walk is in order, at least.

I hope you are enjoying fall as much as we are! Pumpkin carving, more recipes, and some good runs are to come, stay posted :) xoxo

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