I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else -C.S. Lewis

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Volleyball and Unecessaries

My favorites, of course, Misty May Treanor and Kerry Walsh.
Look how ripped these ladies are! C'mon!
Tonight is the start of our spring volleyball season! We are still team "Set to Kill" which has been our title for years now...we are only violent on the court ;) Thus, this is fair warning that posts may include volleyball updates. I believe we play a 6-8 week season with a few weeks of play-offs...I may have to double check that. I am hoping to play intramural vb again (we made it to the finals last semester), but we will see, shew whee, never can have enough volleyball. Wish us luck!

Also, a few days ago I bought a nice scale. It was sharp, included body fat percentage calculation, BMI, and hydration totals. Along with this came Allison weighing herself 3-4 times a day which is anything but healthy.

Like I mentioned before, I have gained about 5-6 lbs. even though my diet and exercise amounts have not changed (give or take a smidge per week). Instead of fretting or obsessing about it I am returning the scale. I will still weigh myself weekly (yes, ONE time per week Allison) at the gym, but I promised Jake that if I got too weird about the scale then we would take it back. Instead, we are going to use that money for an iTunes gift card to get some new music to workout to! Much better idea right? Some people can face the scale all the time and do it like a champ, I am not there yet. I know that I can lose it (my mind I mean) quickly, so I am purging this materialistic view for now and getting myself back into determination mode. I have been sick, and still am getting over it, but that does not mean I should give up completely on my health- so today I vow to get back on that train and chug along.


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