I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else -C.S. Lewis

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


This is going to be a short post, for now. I started a new [non-fiction] book about Memphis, Tennessee during the yellow fever epidemic in the late 1800s. I know, sinister, but so interesting! (Title: The American Plague). I want to get outside to read before it gets dark on Monroe and I. Also...I dyed my hair, and well, it is not what I planned on (would be a nice way of putting it), so anything to get my mind off that is very welcomed.


I don't have an IPhone, Galaxy, Blackberry, or any sort of "intelligent phone" for that matter. Therefore, when I run and see something amazing, weird, or beautiful, I can only capture the image in my head. Keep this in mind for the paragraph after I ramble about my shortcomings as a runner. 

My long run on Monday was 11 miles...scratch that. My long run was a very rough 11 miles this week. I unfortunately turned off the thinking part of my brain and did not bring any water or fuel. It wasn't that hot, but 11 miles, for me, is a distance that requires a certain amount of respect for my body. I was okay through mile 9 and then it hit me. My muscles were aching and I felt lethargic. I kept daydreaming about a nice biker who would have an extra water bottle...apparently he didn't ride the trail that day.

Part of my issue is that I was going too fast. Duh, right? But, really. My pace was hovering around a -9 min/mile and right now, where I am at, that is a tad too fast for this length. I kept telling myself to slow my pace, but my pride and lack of pacing practice disregarded my body's warnings.

I have to admit that on this run I took too many walking breaks. This is NOT a bad thing, to take walk breaks, but I should have treated my system better and the outcome would have been a much cleaner and healthier run.

On a great note, I did see a gorgeous rainbow, two doe playing in a field together, tons of pretty butterflies, and made at least 5 friends. Go on a walk, bike ride, or run and I bet you'll make twice the amount of "friends" as you would in a bar or restaurant. There is something about being outdoors, treating your body right that puts people (usually) in a better mood.

Hope your week starts off strong, and remember to slow down sometimes ;)

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