I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else -C.S. Lewis

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Happy Slowpoke

Ooooo weeeee! You know when you have an amazing and strong run/bike/swim/walk (etc.) and how that is better than encouragement? It is determination wrapped in shiny paper and tied with a big sparkly ribbon!

Okay, okay, that might be quite the description, but there is nothing like a solid workout to boost your body's determination to keep going.

Yesterday was GORGEOUS...sunny and in the low to mid 70s. I didn't even leave for my run until after 11 a.m. I really like going before lunch (when I have the day off from work) so I can come home and reward myself with a delicious and well-earned meal. 

I started off thinking I would do 4-6 miles at most since I lifted total body yesterday and was pretty stiff. My first mile was my warm-up mile at a slower pace. Like, a really slow pace. But, I was happy and just enjoying my surroundings. I then picked up my speed without really even realizing it. Isn't that a nice feeling? Pushing yourself but having it feel strong, healthy, and natural. When I got to miles 3-4 I was feeling really great and knew I could do a longer run than anticipated. I ended up running 7 miles at a 9:18 min/mile and walked another mile just because it was so pretty. People on the trail were extra sweet and that was encouraging in itself.

Once I got home I had my usual Vega Energizing shake (have fallen in love with the Choco-lot and Vanilla Almond flavors) with some fruit and a bowl of Nature's Path cereal (mmhmm, my second bowl that day; first was a small one with some protein pancakes for breakfast). Okay, FINE, I ate a third bowl at bedtime, it was small, I promise. 

This run, as silly as it may seem, gave me hope for my future running endeavors and my half-marathon coming up in October. My pace and endurance has been iffy lately and this run proved that mindset can make THE difference

Now, get out there! ;)

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